The College Club of Canton is a nonprofit organization operated to promote advanced education. The objectives are to sponsor programs for the improvement of learning in the greater Canton area and to encourage members, students, and the community to continue advanced education by providing pertinent programs and financial assistance. College Club is open to any woman with a baccalaureate degree, an associate degree or an RN license. Members can choose the amount of involvement they desire. Organized December 6, 1919.
Hey! So Glad You're Here.
New members are always welcome!
We have monthly meetings from September through May.
For the programs that are being offered this year,
click on Programs.
In addition, we have small group Sections.
Some that we currently have are Book Review, Book Discussion,
Bridge, Lunch Bunch, Euchre and Theater. Some other
possibilities for new sections include the areas of: music,
drama, volunteer, breakfast group, 1-day trips, games, crafts,
gardening, food/wine, and health/fitness/walking.
If you are interested in joining the College Club of Canton,
click on Membership Application,
fill it out and either mail it in or email it to us!
Post Office Box 8433
Canton, Ohio 44711-8433
The College Club of Canton offers a grant to Stark County female senior high school students who will be attending college and enrolling in a program that leads to a Baccalaureate Degree. The grant amount and number to be given will be determined by the College Club Finance Committee in January 2025. Applications are available at area Stark Co. Guidance Offices, by clicking here, or contacting Chris Sbaraglia at 330-284-1376. The deadline for receiving the applications will be March 1, 2025.
Click below to see if you qualify for The Ruth Wolter Memorial Grant
The College Club of Canton also offers a tuition grant of up to $1500 for mature woman over 25 who need one year or less to complete a bachelor’s or master’s degree or licensed nurses who need an additional year or less for a degree.